in Elections to Lok Sabha

  1. The persons wishing to offer his candidature as a national candidate can either make such declaration himself or through his political platform.
  2. The purpose of such declaration is to propose a clear outline in simple words of practical policies, programs and implementation strategies for some of the important arenas of national life like – agriculture, small industries, health, water management and potable water supply, social justice and security – security for women, rule of law and cheap and easy system of grievance redressal and conflict resolution through judicial system.
  3. Each national candidate will select one of these areas of national life and put forward in some detail his proposals, through the electoral process, for improvement of that sector and delivery of public services. At the same time, he will also promote and inspire, based on aforesaid program and policies, other candidates to offer their names as national candidate for that particular issue. For example for the issue of ‘Healthy India’, 10 -20 or more candidates can be proposed for the parliamentary constituencies all over the country.
  4. It is not imperative that these national candidates should be independent – on non –party platform. These national candidates can either be supported by the mainstream political parties and / or the political parties can declare some of their candidates as national candidates for certain specified national issues.
  5. This new political process will continue even after the completion of the electoral process for the coming Lok Sabha elections. The persons who have offered themselves as national candidates will continue to be politically active in the processes of accountability, right to recall of the elected political representatives. They can offer themselves as candidates for the legislative assemblies of the state and for the local government.
  6. By coordinating with different persons offering themselves as national candidates in different sectors of national life, a larger national platform will be developed for effective intervention in the national policies and programs for the economic growth, livelihood development and social justice.
  7. One national candidate can offer his nomenclature for more than one parliamentary constituencies also.


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