The Manifesto Statement is as follows

National Candidate on the issue of people's participation for Natural Resource governance for sustainable livelihoods.
Constituency: small and traditional farmers, pastoralists, forest dwellers and forest dependent communities, fishers. Unorganised sector labour in natural resources and those forced to seek alternatives due to destruction of the life support systems on which they live, the biggest constituency being the potential that MGNREGA and other schemes at the panchayat have to offer to restore the potential of the natural resources for sustainable livelihoods. 
Potential: Relevance of renewable energy for decentralisation of governance as against business as usual though Corporates. 
Demands and agenda:  
1.     Change the way the FRA is looked at by the Government. Instead of putting the onus on people, make it central to the way development is looked at, integrating other concerns with at as well. 

2.     Educate Departmental officials to consider the Gram Sabha and  appropriate Community based organisations for CFR as the supreme body for development and keeping this in mind initiate processes where the  Gram Sabha and Community based organisation are educated about the ecology, the promise provided by renewables and its potential for sustainable ecology and livelihoods using local knowledge about the biodiversity and it's ecosystem services.

3.     Facilitate Development of micro plans by the gram sabha and community based organisations keeping the larger ecological conditions  in mind. Wage labour provided under MGNREGA is not a dole given as largess but a compensation for concrete work done to restore the ecology conducive to creating conditions for correcting historical injustice done to its people not just by destruction of the ecosystems, undermining their knowledge systems as well.

4.     Reorient the education system to take into account the need for children to absorb the historical knowledge embodied in their elders and which is now slowly becoming defunct. This knowledge relates to how science and scientific principles can be better learnt by observation of nature and long term study of the local ecology and its relation on the larger ecosystem services. 

5.     Scrap Corridor form of development, only maintaining those elements conducive to balanced ecologically sustainable livelihood promotion. 

6.     Encourage the development of larger ecosystem bodies having gram sabha membership and representation from these bodies as its base. 


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